
Sunday, January 28, 2018

Artist Michael G. Reagan speaks at American Legion meeting

Artist Michael G. Reagan, with some of the
5000 portraits he has drawn

On Tuesday, January 9, 2018 Post 227 held its first meeting of 2018, with featured speaker, artist Michael G. Reagan of Edmonds.

Michael G. "Red" Reagan in Vietnam.
On April 10, 1968 after serving his country as a U. S. Marine, Michael returned home from Vietnam.

He knew he had been spared for a reason and needed to know what that reason was.

While in Nam Michael drew portraits of his fellow Marines.

In some cases, those images were all that returned home.

Reagan made portraits of all of the
Sandy Hook victims

Michael G. Reagan has raised over ten million dollars for charities across the country, primarily with his artwork. 

Now Michael is engaged in what he calls "the most important project he has ever done". The Fallen Hero Portrait Project.

He is creating portraits of all of the Fallen, free of charge, for their families. So far he has completed over 5000 free portraits.
In 2007 Michael was awarded the American Legion's Patriot Award and in 2009 the VFW Commander in Chief Gold Medal of Merit. Then in 2010 he was named the 2010 Veteran Volunteer of the Year in Washington State.

In 2013 the Department of The Army awarded him The Outstanding Civilian Service Medal.

In March of 2015 the Lynnwood Elks presented him The General Douglas MacArthur Award, and on March 25, 2015 he was awarded the Citizen Service Before Self Honor (known to some as the Civilian Medal of Honor) by the Medal of Honor Foundation in Washington DC.

After the Sandy Hook Massacre, Michael was contacted by an acquaintance who lived nearby. He gathered pictures of all the victims and sent them to Michael. Michael drew the portraits of them all and a local frame shop donated the frames. After completion, Michael crated all the portraits and shipped them to his friend. The Mayor of the town held a meeting of all the relatives and presented them with their portraits.

Photos Reagan used to draw Nisei soldier portraits.

Michael obtained pictures of WWII Nisei soldiers who were Medal of Honor recipients. 

In spite of the way the American Japanese were treated, these men volunteered and served in All-Japanese units in Italy and Europe.

Reagan was presented with a Certificate of Appreciation

Michael captivated the audience as he spoke for over an hour. He fielded questions afterward. (Michael with his display boards of some of the thousands of people he has drawn.

At the end of his presentation, Sgt At Arms Russell Kehrer (left) and Commander Larry Fischer (right) presented Michael with a Certificate of Appreciation.

Michael may be reached at his website or the Fallen Heroes Project. Michael says to feel free to contact him.


  1. Dear Michael,
    I am the proud owner of a potrait you did of my uncle Saul Furman. He was the oldest brother of my 90 year old mother Barbara and best friend of my dad Albert who introduced them when my mom was just a kid.
    Your perfect rendering brought back thousands of memories to my mom. I , myself never met him yet knew him well. My mom has always spoken of him as if he was always still here.
    This year he is 79 years MIA.
    When I received the portrait in 2009, my mom was very sad about him never coming home so people could know he existed.
    My older sister Sandi was named for him and decided to go on the hunt.
    Now 13 years later we have been able to show his DNA is cataloged and we have been able to prove we have finally found him.
    This mitzvah in great part is due to you and your life long selfless act of love for these men and women.
    On June 15th 2022 at 9:00am we will be burying with a full service and honors at Arlington VA. My mom will have her final memory of him with your selfless act of love.
    Thank you,
    Beth Ann DelaCruz
    Sauls niece

  2. Ps. I do not know where you live but I wish you could come and be a member of our family for the morning
    Funeral of 2nd Lt Saul Furman


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