
Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Letter to the Editor: Deceitful flyer

To the Editor,

Wow! I just saw Jin-Ah Kim's campaign flyer where she smears Keith McGlashan's record on Pt. Wells, saying "He was Mayor when the Pt. Wells development was approved", and asking "How can we trust Keith to make the right decisions for Shoreline?".

What she doesn't say is that Pt. Wells is in Snohomish County, and Shoreline had absolutely no control over whether Snohomish approved it.

I am appalled by this intentionally misleading, deceitful flyer.

I wasn't going to vote for Ms. Kim anyway, but it was because of policy, not character. Until today, I was actually quite impressed with her character - it takes real guts to be publicly open about being a recovering heroin addict, and I admire Ms. Kim for doing that.

However, Ms. Kim supports government-sponsored heroin injection sites, which, in addition to being illegal, will do nothing to alleviate our region's terrible problem with dangerous, street-dwelling drug addicts.

Now I will add poor character to my list of reasons not to vote for her.

Maggie Willson


  1. Not surprised there is some misleading statements on flyers coming from candidates being put up by the 32nd democrats. Par for the course.

  2. I completely agree. She initially said she was running "in the spirit of rotation" - meaning new councilmembers can be a good thing - and I agree, at the right time, but they should not be replaced by liars and people with negative character traits, such as smearing another person. She has proven that she, and the nasty people advising her are cut of the same cloth as the old Shoreline City Council - Ryu, Fimia, Way - the ones who nearly destroyed our city by putting a moratorium on everything, and wasting millions of taxpayer dollars with their lawsuits. A vote for Jin-Ah is a vote for civil discord. Not to mention her ignorance in not understanding how our City runs, Point Wells in not in Shoreline, and there has never been an agreement approved! Do your homework if you want to run for an important position like this!

  3. FACTS MATTER: Keith McGlashan votes in step with councilmember Will Hall. Their votes are always the same. Will Hall's full-time job during the Point Wells votes was as a legislative aid for the SNOHOMISH CITY COUNCIL.

  4. Keith McGlashan accepted contributions from outside PACs and The Realtors Association who directly benefit from his pro-developer rezone votes.

  5. Please continue to find misleading/lying statements on election flyers for me. I smelled a rat in all the Light Rail adds and turns out I was right.. but I will still vote for Jin-Ah - we need a muckraker on the council - (although I wish she had challenged a different seat)


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