
Saturday, January 23, 2016

American Legion establishes military library

Starr Sutherland, Jr. American Legion Post 227 recently established a new benefit for post members.  

A library of military-related books, magazines, DVDs and videotapes has been created for post members to borrow. Items can be checked out at monthly post meetings.

The post meets the first Tuesday of each month, September through June. Activities begin with a social time at 6:30pm and the post meetings start at 7:00pm. Refreshments are served after each meeting.

We welcome the attendance of members and military veterans who would like to consider joining the post.

The Post building is located at the corner of NE 146th Street and 17th Avenue NE.

1 comment:

  1. Does the American Legion have a website or Facebook page? They have several events and activities during the year to which the public is invited. Unfortunately, I never hear about them until after the fact. It would be nice if us social media folks knew about events prior to them occurring so that we could help get the word out. Thanks, Patty.


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