
Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Executive Constantine rallies metropolitan regions across the country to welcome Syrian refugees

Lith Majid hugging his daughter and son after their rickety boat
reached the sanctuary of safe shores
Photo by Daniel Etter

Elected leaders in metropolitan regions across the country are signing a declaration written by King County Executive Dow Constantine welcoming refugees fleeing war-torn Syria.

The declaration also "encourages federal leaders to act responsibly, and consistently with basic American values, and to avoid actions that would betray our nation's principles and put our country at greater risk."

Within 48 hours, officials in 10 major urban counties in the Northeast, Midwest, Southwest, and Northwest had signed the Executive's declaration.

"Local elected leaders from across the country are joining me to welcome refugees fleeing war and tyranny," said Executive Constantine. "We stand united as America's metropolitan regions to uphold our tradition of compassion and the recognition that we are a proud nation of immigrants."

1 comment:

  1. If the tables were turned, I would hope other countries would open their arms to us. In times of crisis, we need to be the better people and help the ones in need.


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