
Thursday, January 23, 2014

Shoreline City Manager's Report 1-20-2014

Weekly update for 1/20/14
From Debbie Tarry, Shoreline City Manager


Council Meetings - January 27

  • Dinner Meeting – Police Chief Shawn Ledford will provide an update on the Special Emphasis Team (SET) work in the City.
  • Regular Meeting
    • Appointment of Vadim Dolgov to two one-year terms as a youth representative on the Park/Tree Board.
    • Discussion of the Chronic Nuisance Ordinance

Point Wells Update

·         Pre-Scoping Workshop: Approximately 80 residents attended the Pre-Scoping Workshop sponsored by the City on Wednesday, January 15. Click here to see the comments gathered that night. The meeting gave participants some time to talk with staff about the scoping process. As continued follow up, Planning and Community Development Director Rachael Markle will attend the Richmond Beach Community Association meeting on February 11 to provide the same information shared last Wednesday night.

·         Snohomish County Scoping Meeting, February 18: The Snohomish County scoping meetings will be February 18. There will be one during the day at the Snohomish County Administration Building and one in the evening (6:30 p.m.) at the Shoreline Center. The City successfully requested and received an extension of the legally required scoping period from 21 to 30 days, to have one of the scoping meetings in Shoreline, and for the scoping meeting notices to be sent beyond the legally required 500 ft circle around the project site, which would have included only a few homes. Notices will now be sent to over 11,000 Shoreline homes.

·         Transportation Corridor Study (TCS): The TCS will kick-off on Wednesday, February 12. The first three workshops (February 12 and 26, March 13) are focused on “Segment A”, which is 24th Avenue NW and Richmond Beach Drive. Workshops on March 19 and April 1 will focus on “Segment B”, which is the rest of the corridor of Richmond Beach Road east to I-5 and south to the Shoreline Community College. On April 16 there will be a final wrap-up workshop for both segments. All workshops will be City Hall from 6:30 to 9 p.m.

Legislative Update

Here are the bills that are moving right now that affect Shoreline. You can look up the bills (if you so desire) online - just submit the bill number into the box and it will pull up the timeline and any related documents for the bill.

Water/Sewer – there are two bills, one in the House and one in the Senate, which relate to requiring a vote on a district assumption. Both bills are designed to make it significantly harder to assume a district.

·         SB 6008 is sponsored by Senator Chase, and heard Monday morning at 10am in the Senate Government Operations Committee. The committee heard a substitute version that includes a clause that would include any assumptions that are in progress but not yet completed.

·         HB 2413 is sponsored by Rep. Takko (House Local Government Chair) and also by Rep. Ryu. This bill has not yet been scheduled.


·         HB 1854 – This bill will be heard in the Local Government Committee next Thursday. This bill amends the same statutes as the annexation bill from last year, but adds back required approval from the owner.

SEPA Mitigation

·         HB 2161 –This is a bill that would prohibit imposition of SEPA mitigation fees outside city boundaries unless there is an Interlocal Agreement with the other affected city.


·         HB 2149 - This bill was heard last Wednesday morning. We have since received the Attorney General Opinion (AGO 2014 No. 2) that opines cities have the right to zone out retail marijuana stores. This raises into question the store allocation already determined by the Liquor Control Board. This one will likely continue right up to the end of session.

·         Retail Allocation – This week AWC analysts clarified the allocation of retail stores in light of the “at-large” allocation. They have indicated that “at-large” allocations will go in either unincorporated areas or cities that didn’t receive a specific allocation. This means that Shoreline would have a maximum of the two retail stores it has been allocated.

Sustainability – Seattle City Light Green UP!

SCL recently notified the City that in 2012 the City prevented the release of 409,061 pounds of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere as a result of the City purchasing green power for a portion of our electricity use (this was part of the LEED process for City Hall). This is the equivalent of planting 4,757 tree seedlings! In addition to this our City Hall solar panels added 291,240 kilowatt-hours (kWh) of clean, green energy to the power grid. We will be highlighting this on our community outreach efforts.

Ronald Wastewater Assumption Update

At their January 14 meeting, the Ronald Wastewater District Board of Commissioners voted to dismiss the District’s lawsuit against the City. Also at the meeting, General Manager Michael Derrick provided some fund balance graphs that indicate a negative fund balance for the District starting in 2017. I will be following up with him to understand the District’s financial position and their rate plans for the next few years.


  1. A big thanks to the City Manager for mentioning SB 6008 in her report this week, thereby tacitly acknowledging that the City's informing the public about this bill is appropriate. But there omitted several points:

    1. This the first time the City has mentioned this assumption vote bill, sponsored by Senator Chase. The bill was pre-filed on January 10 and referred to the Senate Government Operations Committee on Monday, January 13, yet was not mentioned in the January 13 Business Meeting of the City Council, despite public comment at that meeting from 5 members of the community, calling for a public vote on the Ronald Waster District Assumption.

    2. The meeting in Olympia on Monday, January 20, was a Public Hearing, where the public had an opportunity to testify in support or opposition to the bill. That Public Hearing is now closed, and that opportunity is now gone.

    3. The City's paid lobbyist, Kathleen Collins, opposed the bill on behalf of the City of Shoreline at that Public Hearing, though she did not give oral testimony.

    4. In a dinner meeting on November 4 (one day before the General Election), the City staff advised the City Council to "support legislation to maintain cities’ ability to assume water/sewer districts without a vote as designated by the Growth Management Act."

    5. There was no Report from the City Manager in the Shoreline Area News for the week of 1-13-2014, and thus no advance notice to the community of the upcoming Public Hearing.

  2. The City of Shoreline and the New Ronald Wastewater District. Dr. Evil and Mini-Me. Yeah, baby!

  3. Are you kidding? The city thinks both bills (they are the same bill) are designed to make it significantly harder to assume a district? Really?? Wanting a vote is obstructionist? Democracy-what a buzz kill, right?

  4. That was a false and misleading statement to close, those graphs linked at the end were if RWW were to decrease rates. RWW has been investing in capital infrastructure projects to support economic development, a key argument the City used in promoting the SPU election. I have a better question -- what about the $1 million shortfall the City expects in 2018? Why did the City discuss this in a dinner meeting as opposed to a full council session? There is no transparency in City Council operations.

  5. Isn't a false and misleading statement by Debbie Tarry a violation of the City ethics policy that they claim to adhere to as part of the ICMA? But who enforces that policy - none other than Debbie Tarry. What a joke, there is no ethics policy when it is the City Leadership Team that violates it all of the time.

  6. Forget Tarry. Ask Mini-Me whether they concur with her recap, like they did with her gross mischaracterization of the RWW litigation when she spoke to the Pro Shoreline org on the campaign trail. Shh!


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