
Sunday, October 27, 2013

Free jazz concert in new Shorewood campus theater Tuesday

By Frank Workman

Shorewood's Jazz Band and Jazz Choir will perform a free concert Tuesday night at 7:30pm in their beautiful, gleaming new theater on campus.

The Jazz Choir, under the direction of John Hendrix, will lead off. 

After an intermission, Dave Johnson's Jazz Band will take the stage. Featured musicians include talented Max Kapur on piano, and Sam Anschell on alto sax.

Early arrivals will be treated to the musical equivalent of a movie theater's  'Coming Attractions', as a handful of musicians will entertain with several improvisations pieces prior to the Singers taking the stage.

As we all acquaint ourselves with the layout of the new Shorewood campus, access to the theater is recommended via the parking lot on N. 170th  (between Fremont and Aurora). Walk north from the lot through the courtyard to the school's entrance.  

The theater is just to the right of the main office. It, alone, would be worth the price of admission---- if admission was charged.

Music lovers of all ages are encouraged to attend, especially those youthful musicians in our community (and their parents).

1 comment:

  1. "The theater...alone, would be worth the price of admission---- if admission was charged."

    Um, admission WAS charged--in advance. You might have overlooked that. The $150,000,000 bond (for 2 high schools), which passed by a mere 427 votes in a February 2010 special election, was discussed in an informational presentation to the Shoreline City Council 2 weeks before the election.

    On January 25, 2010 School Superintendent Sue Walker delivered what City Manager Bob Olander introduced as an "objective presentation" on the bond proposition (and 2 levies for operations and technology).

    The fancy new theater at Shorewood was not mentioned (nor was the old Ronald School). Ms. Walker described the equally impressive renovation of the Shorecrest theater as simply needing "a little coat of paint and/or new fabric."

    Ms. Walker corrected Mayor McGlashan's mistaken impression that the presentation she had just made was in support of the bond (which would have been illegal).

    There is nothing FREE about these 2 new schools.


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