
Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Eat some good books at the Edible Book Festival Saturday in Lake Forest Park

Edible Book Festival, Saturday, March 30, 2013, 11am-3pm
Third Place Commons, 17171 Bothell Way NE, 
Lake Forest Park

As part of the International Edible Book Festival bibliophiles, book artists, and food lovers will unite to create edible books that are exhibited, documented and then consumed. Edible books are made of food and inspired by a book or pun on a book title.

For more information or to register your entry (there's still time!) email
Bite a Book today! Be inspired!

Literary lovers and culinary aficionados unite!

It is not too late to bake a book for the Shoreline – Lake Forest Park Edible Book Festival, sponsored by the SL-LFP Arts Council, to be held on Saturday, March 30th at Third Place Commons beginning at 11:00a,! This is an all ages event with prizes (from our friends at Third Place Books!) to be given to K-6th grade, 7-12th grade or adult. Here are the prize categories:

  • Most Good Enough to Eat
  • Most PUNderful
  • Most 3D/Architectural
  • Most Literal Depiction of the Book Title
Every one present will have one vote for their favorite – The People’s Choice Award.

"Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain"

Just create a representation of a book, character, scene or pun on a book title out of edible ingredients. This does not have to be baked and could be assembled with ready-made ingredients if you wish.

To pre-register (makes the check-in process easier) email the title of your Edible Book along with your appropriate age group by Friday at 6:00pm, or just show up at 11:00 with your edible creation, a copy of the book that inspired your entry and an appropriate serving utensil. Please, no unattended children.

We will supply everything else. We have just learned that the King County Library System Social Media team will broadcast the festival and film people interested in sharing their entry. The event will be live-streaming on Google+ and will be archived on the KCLS YouTube channel.  You will not want to miss the opportunity to share your edible creation with the world!

"The Satanic Purses"

This is the schedule of the day:

11:00 a.m. check-in
12:00 p.m. photography, judging and voting for the People’s Choice!
1:30 p.m. prizes are awarded
2:00 p.m.  we will bite the books!


  1. Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain is a clever pun, but Satanic Purses is nothing more than an ad for an offensively titled book. The book title IS the pun. The art piece is redundant.

  2. What in the world are you talking about? How is _The Satanic Verses_ offensively titled? And what's wrong with referencing a book you like? That's not an ad, that's an allusion.

    And even if "the satanic verses" is a pun, how does that prevent someone from punning off it?

    I personally think "the satanic purses" and the art piece are charming, but even if I didn't I'd still be concerned and upset by the fact that you're leaving an anonymous and public comment insulting someone's work. That's deeply unclassy, yo.

  3. We had a wonderful time seeing (and eating) the amazingly creative pieces at the Edible Book Festival Saturday. The level of artistic ability and culinary skill was spectacular. Will you please publish photos of the entries so I can share them with my family in CA? Thank you Diane. Warm regards,
    Linda & Charles Kraus

  4. The event was pretty fun. A lot of great creations! I was confused by some of the judges selections, but that was no big deal.

    My girlfriend made two entries and posted pics of them on her blog: ... I'm surprised I can't find any more pictures from the event, though. Bummer!


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