
Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Stay in touch with the Shoreline Area News

There are many ways to stay in touch with the Shoreline Area News.

  • The simplest is to bookmark our website and go to it frequently: Shoreline Area News (dot) com
  • A very popular method is to sign up for an email subscription: sign up here
  • Younger readers tend to prefer our Facebook page: Shoreline Area News
    • If you "Like" the page, the stories will appear on your FB more often
  • A few depend on our Twitter feed:  @ShorelineArea
  • Some have RSS feeds, which means the articles stream to their home page or email
  • And a few people "follow" our blog
If you want to send a particular story to a friend, there is an email box at the bottom of each story - it's a little envelope with an arrow. Or you can double-click the story title. This will take you to the story on the web and you can copy the link (URL) in the title box at the top of the webpage. That's pretty useful when you want to send something to a number of people. Just remember to tell them that if the URL goes to a second line, they may have to copy the part on the second line.

If you are searching for a story, there is a little Google search box in the first column of the web page. If that doesn't work, just use regular Google.

Corrected 06-27-2012 8:06pm

1 comment:

  1. The Twitter feed is actually @Shorelinearea (one word).


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