
Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Photo: Thin Ice

Echo Lake on January 27 with a sheet of ice.
Photo by Tom Downer
If you think we have had a couple of cold days in the past week, take a look at this photo, taken by Tom Downer on Friday, January 27, 2012.

After a high temperature in the mid-40's on Thursday, I was surprised to see Echo Lake completely covered in ice on Friday morning! I assume it was a combination of no wind, calm water, and the freezing fog that covered the lake in the early morning. It usually takes several days of frigid temperatures to get an ice buildup like this.

1 comment:

  1. January 27th wasn't long after our week long arctic freeze. Since the lake was frozen during that freeze, water temperatures haven't had time to warm much above freezing yet by the time this photo was taken. Calm winds allow radiative cooling, which allowed the surface of the lake to re-freeze. Typically, unless temperatures get significantly warm, the lake surface temperature is probably hovering between 33-39ºF.


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