
Friday, October 28, 2011

Dirty politics in Lake Forest Park

Lake Forest Park has some lively elections and strong opinions going on right now, which will probably continue beyond the elections.  However opponents are, for the large part, stating their positions openly, and staying on issues and qualifications.

Somebody has crossed the line.

Some residents of LFP received an anonymous mailing this week.  It came in a plain envelope, first class, hand addressed, with no return address.

Inside was a single sheet with a photo-shopped copy of the main webpage of the Shoreline Area News.  In the frame where real stories appear, the perpetrator had inserted two anonymous comments which they had posted on a story about one of the candidates.

Anyone can post any comment on any story in the SAN.  These comments do not appear on the main webpage as stories, nor do they go out on the email subscriptions, Facebook, Twitter, or the various RSS feeds.  You have to be on the particular story on the webpage and click the comments link.

We monitor the comments.  Comments like the ones in the flyer, which attack people on a personal level, using insults, vague innuendos, guilt by association, and unsupported accusations, are removed as soon as we see them.

Anyone is welcome to copy, forward, or link to our stories, as long as they credit us and provide the link to the story or to the website.

However, we do not appreciate being used as part of a dirty attack campaign.


  1. Diane, if you do monitor comments, I am surprised that you allowed the pervious one by "anonymous" which refers to a story on Foster Care the was published in Oct. 2009. With the addition of the personal comment "anonymous" made at the top, I would consider it to fall under "vauge inuendos".

  2. Please send me the link to the story where the comment you refer to is posted so I can look at it again. It's not on the foster care story and there were only 4 articles in October 2009, none on foster care or with comments. We've had almost 2,000 comments since them.
