
Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Shoreline Police Blotter June 1-9, 2011 - lots more of the same

By Diane Hettrick - categories are mine - reports are police

Car Prowls
6-1 25xx NE 195 Pl. 6-1 NE 161/1 NE Ridgecrest Park parking lot. 6-4 Two vehicles parked in driveway, GPS taken. 6-4 Hamlin Park. 6-5 Hamlin Park, took groceries. 6-6 196xx 15 NE. Got backpack with computer and PSP. 6-6 3xx NW 200. Laptop stolen out of unlocked vehicle in private driveway. 6-6 7xx N 182. Unlocked vehicle in driveway. Wallet missing from glove box, CDs strewn around the vehicle and several CDs missing. 6-6 203xx 14 NE. Property stolen from unlocked vehicle.

Highway Robbery and vehicle theft
6-3 163xx Fremont N Suspects ask to use victim's phone, then took his iPod.
6-4 Fred Meyer. Male took motorcycle for test ride and didn't return.
6-6 9xx N 160. Officer pulled over a car for excessive speed and discovered the car was stolen.
6-7 Shorewood. Student's bicycle lock jammed so he left it unlocked and it was stolen.

If Hemingway wrote police reports
6-8 NE 145/20 NE. Traffic stop. Felony flight and eluding. Warrants. Drugs. Pursuit. Collision.

Burglary - actual and attempted
6-1 11xx N 165 B and Y Auto Repair.
6-1 179xx 8 NE. Detached garage and empty house being remodeled. Took tools and copper wire.
6-2 3xx N 149. Suspect attempted to remove door knobs and pried the door frames.
6-3 Magic Cleaners 14701 Aurora. Pried rear door after breaking front door.
6-3 182xx 10 NE. Stole bicycle from open garage.
6-3 180xx Stone N. Suspect likely used 'bump key' to unlock deadbolt and enter duplex. Then claimed he left clothes at house and that he works there.
6-3 155xx 9 NE. Got in through garage door, then into house.
6-4 179xx 23 Ln NE. Attempted burglary to condo garage via interior door from the hallway.
6-6 199xx 19 NE. Removed screen, entered through open apartment window. Stole cash and jewelry.
6-6 Sunset Elementary. Two subjects gain entry to vacant school, vandalize inside. Arrested and booked KCJail.

6-1 195xx 8 NW. Theft of fencing from front yard of residence.
6-1 20330 15 NE, Chevron. Money missing from purse.
6-1 145xx 32 NE. Stole keys from lock on apartment mailboxes.
6-5 2xx NW 200. Police called to investigate the theft of caller's newspaper from his driveway. Suspect fled the scene.
6-5 Fred Meyer. Product demonstrator is keeping the products.
6-6 163xx Aurora, salon. Purse stolen from unlocked employee locker by back door.
6-6 Shoreline Library. Woman left her purse on the book cart and someone stole her wallet.

You're not supposed to be here
6-2 Criminal trespass at Fred Meyer. Booked into jail.
6-6 203xx 15 NE. Transient female trespassed after moving items and pulling flowers.
6-8 Twin Ponds. Subjects smoking marijuana in park, after hours.

Drugs and alcohol
6-1 Union 76 Espresso drive thru. Medical episode, possibly drug related.
6-1 Barro Grocery 170xx Aurora, 9:52 am Routine patrol, checking back parking lot. Found a couple of people drinking.
6-2 Driver has suspended license, is carrying cocaine and marijuana in his jacket pocked.
6-2 Driver arrested for possession of marijuana.
6-4 Union 76 Gas at 16510 Aurora. Intoxicated subject contacted after knocking over planter and knocking loose the small tree planted inside.
6-4 180xx Sunnyside Dr N. Meth addict tries to steal a computer.
6-5 12xx N 167. Police called for burglary in process and found a drunk male trying to get into apartment.

Alcohol and driving
6-3 Goldies. Police called about intoxicated customer refusing to leave, in parking lot yelling at employees. Took off when he saw the police, crashed off road through street sign into guardrail and fence.
6-4 McDonald's at 145th / Bothell Way. Drunk in the drive-through.
6-6 195xx 5 NE. Vehicle crashes into parked car. Driver arrested for DUI.
6-6 15xx NE 177. Driver arrested for DUI, driving with suspended license from alcohol convictions. He has six prior convictions for DUI or charges reduced from a DUI. He had gotten out of jail hours earlier for his last DUI, which was plead down to Reckless Driving.
6-7 178xx 15 NE. Stopped for speeding and arrested for DUI.

6-1 Sears. Caught a couple of 15 year olds shoplifting t-shirts and hoodie. 6-1 Sears. Caught a guy shoplifting DVDs and a Playstation accessory. 6-1 Female shoplifts $25 worth of sandwiches from Top Foods. Has difficulty understanding why she can't leave with the food after she is caught. 6-1 Female arrested for shoplifting cosmetics at Bartell Drugs. 6-2 Arrest for criminal trespass at Fred Meyer. 6-2 Aurora Safeway. Larceny, shoplift, trespass. 6-2 Person stole Hot Wheels toy cars from Top Foods. 6-4 Ballinger Chevron. Arrested guy for stealing beer from convenience store. 6-4 Sears. Shoplifted tools.

6-1 14xx NW RB Rd. 15 year old breaks window to enter home.
6-1 Shorewood. Male introduced himself with a handshake, forced it into a hug and wouldn't let go. When police arrived, he kept saying "Why you guys trippin?"

Forgery and Fraud and Embezzlement
6-1 Bank inside Top Foods. Attempted to cash forged checks.
6-2 Group home for clean and sober men. Subject took money from group account.
6-2 Aurora Safeway cashier steals money from register.
6-2 NE 155/15NE Driver arrested for driving while license revoked 1st degree after lying about identify.

6-1 185xx Ridgefield Rd. Found bicycle. 6-2 188xx Stone N. Found bicycle.
6-5 Shoreline Motel. Person saw the woman he suspected of stealing his friend's car. Followed her to the motel and found the car in the parking lot.
6-6 SCC parking lot. 4 grams of marijuana packaged for sale.
6-6 172xx 10 NE. Car dumped that was stolen in Federal Way.

Mental issues
6-2 Woman under psychiatric care, yelling and running around in back yard naked.
6-4 Group home resident upset, throwing things, threatening suicide.
6-5 Victim called to report that pain was unbearable and he was thinking of suicide. Involuntary commitment.
6-5 Group home resident refused to go back.
6-5 Suicide threats.
6-6 Elderly female involuntary commitment for suicide threats, note.
6-7 Involuntary commitment for person who is cutting themselves.

Domestic issues
6-1 Suspect blocks number and calls victim in violation of a no contact order
6-1 Argument over parenting leads to DV assault.
6-1 Ex-girlfriend takes/rescues dogs.
6-3 Family disturbance at Fred Meyer.
6-4 161xx Sunnyside N, apartments. Argument with stabbing.
6-4 Mother reports that teen daughters ran away. When they returned, they argued with mother, creating a disturbance.
6-4 Person very drunk, breaking things running around in his underwear. Victim took person home to sober up.
6-5 Husband/wife argue over child custody.
6-6 Family battles over custody of 1 year old child.
6-8 Two friends cause a disturbance. One has outstanding warrants and is booked.

Wonder what they were planning?
6-2 15407 Westminster, J and J Cigar. Roofer found previous damage and man-sized hole in roof above shop.
6-3 Delgri Auto Sales. Someone entered locked cars with no damage.

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