
Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Shorewood PTSA names Outstanding Educators and Golden Acorn volunteers


Left to right: Ann Torres, Wes Proudlove, Kimber Bang, Linda Delgado

Shorewood PTSA named its 2011 award winners for Outstanding Educator, which recognizes professional educators, and the Golden Acorn for outstanding volunteer service to the PTSA and school.

  • Kimber Bang - Golden Acorn
  • Linda Delgado - Golden Acorn
  • Ann Torres - Outstanding Educator 
  • Wes Proudlove - Outstanding Educator

Ann Torres, Assistant Principal - Outstanding Educator
Ann is committed and tenaciously persistent, year-round, 24-7 in helping students at Shorewood. In the last few years she has moved seamlessly from the classroom to Dean of Students to Assistant Principal. For the past three years she has also been the summer school Principal.

Ann is driven to help students who struggle. Her leadership of the “focus on freshmen” has seen the failure rate in freshmen courses decline from 20% down to 6%. She is a leader in implementing the after-school homework club and the interventions program school-wide.

Ann takes the time to make sure that each student reaches his or her full potential through variations of reaching out, support, encouragement, mentoring and tough love.

Ann is also very supportive of PTSA and appreciates everything that PTSA does to support Shorewood students.

Wes Proudlove - Outstanding Educator
Wes is an innovative and energetic teacher who goes beyond his typical teacher duties. He is an outstanding mentor and friend to many of his students. He provides encouragement and guidance in such a way that many, many students have found a new outlook through Wes. The reputation that Wes has built for the Shorewood Auto Tech program along with his own is one of excellence. A few years ago he took on a new challenge, one that involves building robots to compete. Wes heads up the Robotics “Team Pronto” in which the kids start with a basic kit and then engineer, design and build a robot to compete with other robots in State, Regional and National competition. This year’s entry involved designing an arm that mimics the actual arm on the robot that moves, so the kids could control the robot by their arm movements and not the typical joy stick.

Kimber Bang – Shorewood PTSA Golden Acorn Award 2011
Shorewood PTSA service: Last 2 years handling the Career Center after funding was cut for that important program. She has singlehandedly taken charge of the scholarship area, website and spends 3 to 4 hours a week or more meeting with students and helping them apply to colleges find and apply for scholarships. She has also helped out in the Music Department, doing the Orchestra programs for the last eight years, fundraising and trip planning.

Kimber was also in charge of the PTSA Newsletter, organized the August mailings and subsequent newsletter mailing. Kimber has also been active in the EQC, which raises money for classroom enrichment programs.

In the greater community,  Kimber is involved with the Innis Arden Newletter and helps with the swim team.

Linda Delgado - Shorewood PTSA Golden Acorn Award 2011
Linda has filled various PTA positions at Meridian Park, Einstein and Shorewood. For the last two years Linda has served as the PTSA secretary and is currently Co-President of Shorewood PTSA. Linda is always looking for ways to improve and deliver PTA services. She started the Jamba Juice fundraiser and even takes care of documenting PTSA events through photography.

In the school community, Linda is an active member of EQC, and Boosters, both of which raise and award money for enrichment programs and student sports and activities.  She was the parent coordinator for the boys' Varsity Basketball team. At Meridian Park Linda was an Art Docent, sharing her skills and knowledge with the students. She has designed the Boosters Auction and has done the decorating for the Auction.

In the greater community, Linda is an active member of the University Presbyterian Church and participates in a weeklong camp called Side By Side which supports families with children affected with cancer and other serious illnesses and of course is involved in the arts and crafts.

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