
Saturday, January 29, 2011

Dance It! brings back the swing in dancing

Big Band Swing Dance on January 29, at SC with dance lessons available from Dance It!

Alex and Allie probably had more than one lesson at Shorewood.

Dance It! is a Seattle-based non-profit program that provides free social dance lessons to local high school students. The program is dedicated to inspiring teenagers to social dance and offers a fun learning experience.

This is more like it. And one and two and ....
Dance It! began as a one-time program for students at Shorewood High School in 2006. Shorewood participants learned the basic elements of swing dancing in four fun-filled weeks, and as you can see by the photos, some advanced moves, too.

The goal of the program is to incorporate dance for teenagers to improve overall fitness, enhance social skills, and expose them to the arts and culture of a new kind of music.

See how much fun you can have?
“Our class focus is on lifelong fitness … lifetime activities that the students learn and enjoy for the rest of their adult lives. We have had an increased interest in the Swing Club and in dancing in general due to your generous contributions to our club and classroom activities. The Seniors have really enjoyed the experience.”- Shorewood PE staff

The free program was held after-school. Four swing dance lessons taught by two professional dancers, Mark Kihara and Darla Weideman, with no partner or experience necessary to participate.

“Learning to swing dance was a great life decision. Not only has it turned into a source for entertainment, but it has been great exercise and has provided fantastic social opportunities and it was the Dance It program that made this possible…”- Chase, age 18

Dance It! makes the experience possible for local high school students by bringing the program directly to them, at their school.

Some participating schools in the area for 2011 include: Shorewood, Shorecrest, Edmonds-Woodway, and Mountlake Terrace.

Chase and Katy at Shorewood class.
Dance It! will return to Shorecrest High School in February for a 12 hour series of salsa lessons during PE. These classes are being funded by a grant from the Shoreline Arts Foundation. They also taught at Shorewood this past fall for SW’s senior lifetime sports class and big band dance.

Alex and Allie
This weekend, Shorecrest’s Big Band Swing Dance presents an evening of live jazz and swing dance fun on Saturday, January 29 from 7:30-10:00 p.m in the school cafeteria. Music will be performed by the Kellogg Middle School Jazz Band and Shorecrest High School Jazz and Stage Bands. The funds raised at this event will go to help support SC and Kellogg Jazz programs.

Mark and Lizzy - these are the pros.
The event will include swing dance lessons with Mark Kihara and Darla Weideman of Dance It! from 6:30-7:30 p.m. for an additional $5.

Mark Kihara is a passionate and energetic swing dancer. He has been dancing for Dance It! since 2007. See more info on Mark here.

Darla Weideman is a award-winning Lindy Hopper, who has performed with Sister Kate and Jackson Street Lindy Hoppers. Lindy also teaches at the Century Ballroom, and joined Dance It! in 2010.

Tickets prices: $12.00 in advance/$15 at the door. Students $6.00 with ASB, $8.00 without. Shorecrest is located at 15353 25th AVE NE. For ticket info call SC @ 206-393-4286

Learn more about Dance It! here or call 206-546-9088.

--Cindy Tien, ShorelineAreaNews Intern

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Cindy, for a great piece on Dance It and the Shorecrest dance. Well done! I'd like everyone know they can support this non-profit program with donations on our web site: It's easy and tax deductible and allows us to keep the program going.

    -Lise Baadh, Director of Dance It


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