
Monday, November 22, 2010

How long can you survive without social networks? Facebook? Twitter? Myspace? Texting? Email?

How long can you survive without social networks? That's the question being posed by the Shorewood and Shorecrest video classes of Martin Ballew and Trent Mitchell (they of the lip dub fame).

Participants in this social experiment are challenged to (gasp) communicate face to face or by telephones connected by wires (landlines to the young). No Facebook, no Twitter. No MySpace, No Chat. Worst of all - No Texting. EMail only when necessary for work or school.

"Students from both Shorecrest and Shorewood will give up Social Networks for a week. Some kids think it will be easy and others think it will be the hardest thing in the world. We are encouraging face to face communication as much as possible and we are also encouraging the students to get other teachers and their parents involved too."

For students, it will be like going Back to the Future.

Video students at both schools are sponsoring the project. They will be creating documentaries and news packages throughout the week.

"We will of course have the students at both schools compete to make the best video and to see which school will have the most students make it through the week without breaking down and using technology."

The experiment will begin on December 6. More information is available on (where else?) their Facebook page.  Go there and accept the invitation - if you dare...


  1. This guy gave up social networks for more than a week, and look how he turned out.

  2. I think this experiment is very very interesting because I am so curious to what will happen. I am glad schools are encouraging students to realize how dependable they have become since all this high-tech tools came into ours lives.. good job guys

  3. And yet, the videos are uploaded on YouTube... Ironic?


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