
Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Letter to the Editor: Shoreline Prop 1: Do it for the Kids!

To the Editor:

Confused about whether to vote yes on Shoreline's Prop 1? I hope you will join me in voting yes. And here's just one more reason why. The kids.

I recently attended a meeting that drew my attention to the depth of the City's reach into the schools, and the positive programs it provides for the kids. For starters, the Shoreline Pool is used for the high school's swim teams. The Shorewood Swim Team was the State Champion in 2010! Without a pool to practice in, there is no swim team. The City also provides funding for the school resource officer that Shorecrest and Shorewood share (and wouldn't it be great to have two?). There are also many teen programs inside the school, at lunch, after school, and at late night on the weekends, run by City staff. Many, but not all of the kids who attend these programs are under-served by our society and have the greatest needs, as well as the ones whose parents are busy earning money and don't have the luxury of being part of their kids' lives. I walked out of that meeting amazed at the work done by the City Parks and Rec Department. I also walked out with a pit in my stomach, thinking "these programs are all on the chopping block if Prop 1 doesn't pass." Taking care of our community is a core democratic value.

The City has been very responsible with your tax dollars and continues to run a tight ship, despite what you might be hearing. Go to the website if you want the numbers and more info.

Shari Winstead
Shoreline City Councilmember


  1. If the School District needs the pool, why aren't they helping the City to build a new one? The City identifies the pool as one of its highest priority maintenance needs - yet pays a nominal fee for renting the pool.

    Why should the City be primarily responsible for the School Resource Officer - is security in our schools a School District responsibility?

    There are ways to find more efficiencies in our City's budget without raising property taxes, which are already the highest in King County when looking at all of the taxes Shoreline residents and businesses pay.

    We need to fix our tax system and ways of paying for important services in the City - not increase the problem. The City's reliance on property taxes increases from 26% of the budget to 31% of the budget if Proposition 1 passes. This reliance on property taxes exasperates the revenue situation in Shoreline.

    We need to work harder to get more businesses to come to Shoreline - like Dick's Drive In or Ross - where the City can gain more in sales tax revenues to pay for parks, police, and roads. Why did Dick's not come to Shoreline - was it because of the high property tax rate?

    Please vote no on Proposition 1 -

  2. Ms. Winstead is spot on with her comments. While growing the retail tax base is a good idea, it's not something that will happen overnight. Even if lots of developers applied for permits to build right now (a very unlikely prospect in this economy) the city wouldn't see a significant uptick in retail revenues for many years. By then, we'd be way deep into the $14 million budget hole.
    BTW, Dick's spokesman said that the Edmonds site they picked is just a few blocks from Edmonds-Woodway stadium where hungry teenagers in their school district go every weekend during football and soccer season. Sounds like a good location.

  3. Why is the city staff running programs inside the school during lunch on a school day or after school or on weekends? That is school district property, the general public cannot even enter any part of the school district property on weekdays (including after school) if their are still students on campus - they have teachers and school district staff on the most remote parking lots to keep you out. Our tax dollars are paying for it?

    I found out about this policy when I wanted to take a short cut at 4:30 one afternoon across the back corner of the most remote AND empty parking lot a school (school was out already but it was hang time; however, all the students were INSIDE the building), and now you are telling me city staff are running the program? Does it matter if the public uses an empty parking lot during that time? Now it turns out the city is partially on the hook for that extra time. That should be a school district function, not a city function.

    The city needs to get out of these programs that the school district should be providing.

  4. Anon @ 8:08 a.m.:

    That is the screwist logic I've ever seen.

  5. What is it with all these late date scare tactics. I know it is Halloween, but....The City obviously doesn't take care of our budget well or we wouldn't be in this mess. Who out there didn't know that the economy was in the dumps....years ago, yet they go ahead with all their plans like we have a money tree behind City Hall. There are wants and needs, right now we have to be happy with needs. Why are they bugeting like Prop 1 will pass? I don't have extra money in my budget to support alkl these new taxes. I loved it when Councilman Roberts asked about "Advertising", right on! Why do we need to spend thousands on advertising when we can email, FB, Craigslist and use other media that is free. We know the meaning of Budget in our homes, do they?...and if they want to pay hire taxes, why put it on those of us that don't..... there is nothing stopping those of you who want all this extra stuff to write a check and mail it to the City.
    Just say'n

  6. The City knows how to waste our money. Nothing in Prop 1 says they will spend it on what we want them to. Just look at how many times they have torn up the same street. Pulled out all the street trees dug up the street then put in more trees. I am voting NO!

  7. So... Did you watch the entire Council meeting to find out the response that "Advertising" via email, craigslist, and social media are ways that are already being used? The City's budget has been looked at and reduced for years. The Citizen Committee that prioritized services was put together in 2008. This isn't new or scare tactics. Just spelling it out.
    Just say'n

  8. How about the fact the the Shoreline School District has already shown our residents how little respect they have with $150 million Bond dollars?

    They use it to rip-off the community, by stealing our 35yr old Museum and are planning to deface the Ronald School. That's respect for the taxpayers for ya! People who voted YES, for this rip-off thought the SSD could be trusted. WRONG!

    Now we are told we are supposed to "trust" the City with more millions to "help the children"! Please!!!

    This is not about "the children". Don't kid yourself.

    While there may be good reasons for voting for the Levy, please don't pluck at our heartstrings. It's SICKENING! SSD has already gotten away with murder with that tune.

  9. Proposition 1 has nothing to do with the School District and the School Levy that was passed earlier this year has nothing to do with the City. They are two totally separate entities.

    What is with you people?!

  10. However, the School District may have ruined the situation for the City with their deceptive, expensive rip-off of voters, that has sucked up all the good will and soured the voters. Hard to trust them ever again, and it rubs off on any other local governments.

    When Ms Tracy- Winstead starts her opinion piece with "Do it for the kids",
    SHE is conflating this City Levy Lid Lift with the school district.

    Get it Shari?

  11. I love our parks, I love our city...but the timing is awful...why did the city council refuse to raise taxes last year which they were legally able to do and then turn to the voters this year asking for this levy lid lift. Your timing is terrible, your lack of sensitivity towards the community is stunning. Your duality is not fact it is frightening....


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