
Monday, September 27, 2010

Vote No on Proposition 1

From the Citizen Committee No on Prop 1

Proposition 1 will raise our property taxes in Shoreline. It’s a bad idea coming at the worst possible time, when our economy is in the worst shape since the Great Depression.

Property taxes are regressive. Higher property taxes affect people who can afford it least – seniors living on fixed incomes and young families struggling in a weak job market. Small, locally owned businesses operating on thin margins cannot afford higher property taxes. Many will be forced to cut jobs or close their doors.

It gets worse. Proposition 1 ties Shoreline’s property tax rate to the Seattle Consumer Price Index. No one can predict the future direction of prices. Tying property tax rates to price changes could expose Shoreline households and businesses to unpredictable upward spikes in their tax bills. Shoreline residents already pay one of the highest tax total tax rates in the State.

There is an alternative. Although the City has done a great job of increasing efficiencies for direct services, they have not examined their overhead costs. A close look at the budget reveals a number of areas that can be cut or reduced without affecting direct services.

Households and businesses must tighten their belts during hard times. So should the city. We’re all in this together. Please vote NO on Proposition 1.

For more information visit the No on Prop 1 website.


  1. Shouldn't this be on the op-ed page?
    I follow you on Twitter as a Shoreline news feed.

  2. It states at the top it is from the Vote No Committee and there is no separate op ed page on the Shoreline Area News @11:23, this isn't the Seattle Times.

  3. I think the graph pretty much sums up the problem here - why should our overall tax rate be so much higher than so many other cities?


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