
Thursday, January 21, 2010

To the Editor: YES to Libraries on February 9

This February, King County Library System has a bond measure on the ballot. (Proposition 1) Not surprisingly the Friends of Shoreline Library Board voted to support the proposition. But perhaps that is because we know what that support means to the libraries. We live in Shoreline where we have the luxury of two libraries. The bond however, is for all of the 45 libraries in the King County system. A yes vote will mean a homeowner with a $400,000 house will pay .50 for each $1000 assessed value. The increase is approximately $32, or the cost of a single hardcover book.
I could go on about what cutbacks would be necessary if the bond does not pass- about 10% of services, staff, books, movies, CDs, hours- -but I would rather ask you to think about what the library means to our community. Libraries are busier than they have ever been. I personally know many folks who have been to the library for help with their resumes; I know children who go to storytime, and many more students who use the library for school assignments, and computers. I have been to author programs, summer reading events, writing programs and even a flower arranging presentation. Remember the KCLS circular that we receive? It lists programs in the system, and does not even begin to list all the programs available. And I haven’t begun to mention those things called books that we use- KCLS has the 3rd largest circulation in the nation! 90 percent of Shoreline/Lake Forest Park citizens have a library card- and use it. All of King County boasts the same high rate of library use. We all need to support Proposition 1 with a YES vote on February 9. We simply can’t afford to lose what we have.

Mary Jo Heller