
Thursday, January 28, 2010

School district responds to questions about "voters' pamphlet"

By Craig Degginger, PIO, Shoreline Schools

We have had a number of questions about the District not requesting to be in the King County voter’s pamphlet.

Voters pamphlets are not provided by King County for special elections--and must be paid for by the District.

King County could not tell jurisdictions back in November what the cost would be.

Given the agreement in principle with the museum, the information would likely have been outdated since it would have been printed in December.

Bellevue, Northshore, Issaquah, Mercer Island and Lake Washington school districts and other jurisdictions also did not request to be a part of the pamphlet. We mailed out our factual brochure to all households in the District earlier this month. It is available on our website.

The voters pamphlet was to be mailed to large areas outside Shoreline and Lake Forest Park, despite being paid for by the District.