
Saturday, December 19, 2009

School board meeting of December 7

At the December 7, 2009 regular board meeting of the Shoreline School Board, Debi Ehrlichman and David Wilson were sworn in, both having been elected to second terms.  

David Wilson was voted as the new board president, Maren Norton as vice-president, and Mike Jacobs as Legislative representative, which is a two year appointment. Appreciation was expressed by board members, Superintendent Walker and those in attendance for Debi’s strong leadership during the past two years.

The consent agenda was passed. Key items on the agenda included the adoption of the recommendations of the District Instructional Materials Committee (DMIC). These recommendations included plays, books and instructional materials that can be used in the district. The Board also approved leaving all-day kindergarten rates at the current level, gave Shoreline and Shorewood the authority to surplus old gymnastics equipment and gave final acceptance to the Echo Lake lobby improvements that now separate the office at Echo Lake from the front entrance.

Apple, Inc. was designated as a sole provider of computer equipment, in accordance with the law requiring a sole source process in order to make purchases, without a full, formal bidding process.

With the technology funds from the 2006 bond, the board approved the recommendations of the March 2009 committee to purchase interactive whiteboards and sets of computers (up to 60 per elementary school) that can be shared among the P-4 grades in each elementary school building. Apple Inc. made computers available to the school district at a very advantageous price.

Superintendent Walker presented a DRAFT Resolution in Support of Bond/Levy and Process for the Board’s consideration and a vote at the January 11, 2010 board meeting.

There were a number of presentations made to the board with no action required. These included a presentation of last year’s WASL results by Dr. Jack Monpas-Huber, Director of Assessment \ Student Learning.

The Board was briefed on the Readiness and Emergency Management for Schools (REMS) Grant the District received to prepare all the school buildings for a three-day emergency. The presentation was made by Brian Schultz, Don Dalziel and Safety Consultant Chuck Goodwin.

Brian Schultz presented the annual weapons incident data for the last ten years and compared Shoreline to surrounding districts. This State required report documents the possession or discovery of weapons, not necessarily violent actions. The peak for such incidents occurred during the 2003-2004 school year, with a downward trend over the past three years.

Photos of school board courtesy of the Shoreline School District.
Top to bottom:  David Wilson, Maren Norton, Debi Ehrlichman, Mike Jacobs, Richard Potter.