
Saturday, November 28, 2009

Evan Smith: School directors re-elected

By Evan Smith 
ShorelineAreaNews Politics Writer

Shoreline School Board members Debi Ehrlichman and David Wilson have been re-elected to new terms. Each will begin a second four-year term in January.

Ehrlichman defeated challenger Cory Murata by a 72 percent to 28 percent margin. Wilson was unopposed.

The re-election of Ehrlichman and Wilson marks a return to stability for the Board.

Board members Maren Norton and Dick Potter were newly elected two years ago, Ehrlichman and Wilson were first elected four years ago, and member Mike Jacobs was first elected six years ago.

For more than a decade board members Bryce, Giboney, Parsons, Robinson and Schnall were permanent fixtures on the Board. Since then, the Board has had regular turnover.

Murata had won the endorsement of the 32nd District Democrats and was named the preferred candidate of the 32nd District Republicans. Ehrlichman and Wilson did not seek the endorsement of either party.