
Monday, November 23, 2009

Evan Smith: Hall, Roberts, McGlashan extend leads

By Evan Smith 
ShorelineAreaNews Politics Writer

Shoreline City Council candidates Will Hall and Christopher Roberts expanded their leads in late election returns Friday.

Hall’s lead over Patty Hale stands at 54 percent to 46 percent with the votes to be certified Tuesday morning. The two are running for the position now held by Councilwoman Janet Way, who finished third in the August primary. After the primary, Way threw her support and that of the 32nd District Democrats to Hall, who had finished second to Hale in the primary.

Challenger Roberts held a 59 percent to 40 percent lead over 14-year incumbent Councilman Ron Hansen.

Incumbent Councilman Keith McGlashan held 79 percent of the vote against write-in candidate Wendy DiPeso.

As I’ve reported in earlier posts, challenger Shari Tracey holds a 50.5 percent to 49.3 percent lead over incumbent Councilwoman Cindy Ryu.

Between 1,500 and 5,900 Shoreline ballots were blank on each Council contest.

Challenged ballots and ballots from overseas voters will count only if they arrive before final certification.

Here are the current Shoreline vote counts: